As the Great St. Louis area begin its slow recovery process from record-setting rainfall and subsequent massive flooding, there is and will be an uptick in the pest population in the coming weeks and months. Residents in these hard-hit communities should expect to see an influx of pests – from mosquitoes and flies to rodents and possibly snakes.
Like people, pests and animals try to avoid flood waters by moving to higher, dryer land. Unfortunately, that dry land is often your home. Read below to learn more about the pests and/or animals you may encounter after a flood and how to control an infestation.
Flood or no flood, mosquitoes are a huge problem. As you probably know, mosquitoes tend to breed around stale, standing water. After a flood, standing water will be everywhere. Aside from being pesky by their bites, mosquitoes can be potentially dangerous because of their potential for carrying disease such as West Nile or the Zika Virus.
You can help prevent mosquitoes from gathering by getting rid of any receptacle where water has collected (such as garbage cans and kiddy pools; however, to truly eliminate your mosquito problem, you’ll need professional assistance.
They are another flying insect which can increase their presence in large amounts after a flood. Flies are attracted to spoiled food items and overflowing sewage, both of which are common in the wake of a flood. Floods cause sewers to overflow and bring sewage above ground. Flies often lay their eggs in rotting organic material. Sanitation is crucial to prevent a fly infestation in the home.
Aside from doing your best to sanitize the area after a storm and reduce waste sources from the premises, there are a number of great fly control solutions which Holper’s Pest & Animal Solutions can professionally provide for you.
When flood waters rush into ant colonies, they are forced out quickly. Ants form a tight group that acts as a raft, allowing them to float on top of flood waters until they find dry land or a floating object to latch onto.
When the flood water begins to recede, you will be sure to find colonies of ants, which have been displaced from their nest floating around. Once the ants encounter a dry piece of land, such as your house, they will stick around. Since there are many species of ants, treatment methods will vary.
If you notice any ants or mounds around your home, don’t worry. Contact Holper’s Pest & Animal Solutions to identify your ant problem and recommend the most efficient and effective treatment plan.
Many Rodents’ homes are underground and will wash away during a flood. When seeking higher ground and a dry place to live, rodents like mice, rats and raccoons will try to invade homes and other dry structures and even your car to stay out of the water.
Here are some common signs of a rodent problem:
- Droppings
- Scratching Noises
- Footprints
- Burrows
They usually enter the home through holes and cracks that can be hard to locate, typically near roofs, dormers, chimneys roof joints and attic vents. Each home will require a different exclusion and prevention program. Let Holper’s Pest & Animal Solutions inspect the infested area(s) and eradicate the problem.
Snakes and Reptiles
Heavy flood usually results in the habitats of snakes and reptiles being destroyed, causing these animals to travel freely and be a danger to the community. This is another big reason to stay out of the flood waters and keep your children away from the waters and not play in it.
If you notice any snakes around your house, contact Pest & Animal Solutions to quickly and safely remove them from your home.
Create an Insecticide Barrier
Once you have controlled the moisture, cover all broken entrances, removed organic debris and rotting drywall, you will want a liquid insecticide barrier applied around your house. This will prevent pests from invading your home post-flood. If you typically have your home treated with an insecticide barrier, it’s a good idea to have it reapplied after flood waters have receded.
Holper’s Pest & Animal Solutions carefully constructs unique treatment plans for the safest and most effective treatment possible. Our low-impact pest control services are carried out responsibly and professionally by trained and certified pest control specialists. Your safety and Peace of Mind is our top priority!
Holper’s is currently offering a special price of $39.95 for your First Mosquito Treatment in July (up to a 1/4 acre) when you sign up for our Mosquito Treatment Package for 2019!